
We invite you to the conference “Corporate PPA in Practice. Trends and new challenges”

kancelaria corporate ppa
31 March 2023
We invite you to the conference “Corporate PPA in Practice. Trends and new challenges”

We would like to invite you to the conference Energy Law and Renewable Energy Regulations at which the speaker will be legal counsel Grzegorz Mikos, who will lead the panel “Corporate PPA in practice. Trends and new challenges”.

Legal counsel Grzegorz Mikos will share with you his practical experience in corporate PPAs (CPPA). It is worth mentioning that Grzegorz Mikos advised, among others, FW Południe limited liability company on the conclusion of a physical contract for the sale of energy generated at a 5 MW wind farm to end users in the physical Corporate PPA model. The Law Firm’s legal advice included comprehensive support of the Corporate PPA process, starting with the selection of the energy sales model, through negotiation of the Corpotate PPA package and its implementation.


The firm’s lawyers advised on the Corporate PPA (CPPA) for the off-take of energy from a 132 MW wind farm
31 March 2023

We are pleased to announce that we have advised Górażdże Cement SA on the conclusion…

kancelaria corporate ppa
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