
We advised on the conclusion of another multi-year contract for the sale of green energy

Kacper Skalski Legal Counsel, Partner
2 March 2021
We advised on the conclusion of another multi-year contract for the sale of green energy

We are pleased to announce that we advised Axpo Poland on a multi-year contract for the supply of green energy for the Johnson Matthey plant in Konin. The project was led by legal counsel Kacper Skalski.

Below is detailed information about the project.

The Johnson Matthey plant under construction in Konin is expected to be commissioned in 2022 and start producing vehicle platforms in 2024. The plant will initially supply 10000 MT of advanced, high-nickel eLNO® cathode material annually, equivalent to about 100,000 electric vehicles, with a plan for phased investments in the coming years.

Factory powered by 100% green energy

As a sustainable technology company with a vision for a cleaner and healthier world, JM’s priority is to reduce the carbon footprint of the Konin plant. Thanks to an agreement with Axpo Poland, the new Konin plant will be supplied with 100% renewable electricity from day one of production.

– We see an ever-increasing demand from energy-intensive industrial companies in Poland to cover their electricity consumption from renewable sources. With the energy sales agreement, Axpo Poland is supporting Johnson Matthey in transforming its manufacturing processes to be greener and in playing an important role for the future of electric vehicles,” Grzegorz Bilinski, Managing Director of Axpo Poland.

Poland is the largest electricity market in Central and Eastern Europe, but historically has one of the lowest shares of renewable energy in the generation mix. Currently, energy demand is still mostly met by coal-fired power plants. Poland, however, has ambitious goals: 52% of energy is projected to come from wind, solar and biomass by 2050.

Axpo in Poland

Axpo, operating on the Polish market for 19 years, has become one of the largest independent buyers of renewable energy. In Poland, customers can benefit from tailor-made off-take agreements and energy supply solutions based on structured long-term contracts, power balancing and forecasting, as well as trading in property rights and guarantees of origin. Axpo has also expanded its SME customer portfolio over the past six years, reaching as many as 15,000 companies.

Axpo worldwide

Axpo is the largest producer of renewable energy in Switzerland and an international leader in energy trading and sales of solar and wind energy. Its 5,000 employees combine experience and knowledge with a passion for innovation. Axpo develops innovative energy solutions for its customers based on state-of-the-art technologies in 40 countries in Europe, North America and Asia.

(Source Axpo Poland press release dated 01/02/2021)


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Kacper Skalski Legal Counsel, Partner
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