
ERO update – Renewable energy generation (WEE) concession.

Kacper Skalski Legal Counsel, Partner
17 February 2020
ERO update – Renewable energy generation (WEE) concession.

Updated information packages for entrepreneurs intending to conduct business activities related to renewable energy generation (REC) have been published on the website of the Energy Regulatory Office. This information is particularly important for investors who are currently implementing wind farm projects and photovoltaic (PV) installations.

In the ERO packets you will find information on how to prepare an application for a license to produce energy from renewable sources (WEE license) , information on the documents that an application for a license to produce energy from renewable sources (WEE license) must contain.

In the following link you will find updated ERO documents on the requirements that an application for a license to produce energy from RES (WEE license) must meet.,Wytwarzanie.html


How to get a photovoltaic power generation license (WEE license) – key conditions
17 February 2020

What photovoltaic installations must obtain a license from the ERO for energy production? At the…

Kacper Skalski Legal Counsel, Partner
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