The regulation of Article 32g of the Payment Services Act of August 19, 2011 (hereinafter:…
Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 14, 2022…
We would like to invite you to a free webinar, during which mec. Maciej Raczynski…
On December 14, 2022. The European Parliament and the Council (EU) adopted Regulation 2022/2554 on…
The progressive informatization of the country and the steady development of the modern economy impose…
On February 23, 2024, a draft law on cryptocurrencies (hereinafter: “the Law”) was published on…
On 14 February 2024, the Council of the EU published two final compromise texts representing…
A team of lawyers from Raczynski Skalski Radcowie Prawni Adwokaci Sp.p. in Warsaw successfully conducted…